27-Piece Arthropod Kit: $75.00 a week.
This kit shows a wide variety of the arthropod diversity found in the world as well as the two major life cycles found in insects. It includes detailed information sheets on each species in the kit. This kit is fantastic as a learning tool for ecological roles, diversity, evolution, ecological niches, adaptations, herbivores/carnivores/omnivores/detritivores, form and function … the list goes on and on! If you are looking for extra ideas on how to incorporate the idea of insects and arachnids as a learning tool, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help.
Smaller kits: $25.00 a week each or $35.00 a week for both.
We have two smaller kits: What is an Insect? and What is an Arthropod? Both of these kits exemplify the diversity of insects and arthropods respectively. Fantastic for form/function, evolution, physical adaptations and to springboard into ecological functionality. They would also be great for getting students to make relatedness trees! Each kit comes with information sheets and activity sheets to help them learn.
These work best when combined as an add-on to the 27-piece kit or one of the other multi-piece kits, but can also be rented with other kit add-ons. All come with educational material to enhance and guide the concepts demonstrated.
Fly lifecycle: A basic fly lifecycle from egg to fly.
Insect Pupae: A description on the different types of pupae found in insects. Focuses on reasons why different insects would have different pupal types.
Insect legs: A description of the various form and functions of insect legs as well as the groups of insects they would be found on.
Millipede versus Centipede: A comparison of the two groups of Myriapods (many-legged arthropods) including life history, body form and function as well as major differences between the two.
Moth versus Butterfly: The two groups within Lepidoptera (scaly winged insects) compared and contrasted with each other.
This kit goes into detail on 10 of the 29 insect orders with diverse representations. There is also information included for all of the orders for a comprehensive understanding.
These work best when combined as an add-on with the 27-piece kit or one of the smaller kits, but can also be rented with other kit add-ons.
Cabbage worm life cycle: Invasive species implications, complete metamorphosis.
Butterfly lifecycle: One of the most common lifecycles people are familiar with, an example of complete metamorphosis.
Honeybee lifecycle: Complete metamorphosis and a look into the life of an important pollinator.
Parts of a Spade Beetle: Disassembled large spade beetle with labels and descriptions of the parts of an insect.
Metamorphosis in action add-on: $15.00 per class:
As a way to really engage students and drive home the understanding of metamorphosis, we are offering classroom sets of meal worms as an add on! Included is enough small meal worms for every student in the class with extras, and a care sheet for Tenebrio molitor (darkling beetles). We are able to supply deli cups for all of the students at an extra charge of $1.00 each, but we ask you to consider getting students to bring in their own container (yogurt containers work just great!) to reduce unnecessary waste. Each student will have their own meal worm to feed and care for, watching it eventually pupate and develop into a beetle!
Please give us a few weeks notices so that we can guarantee that the kit you need will be available. Please email bugs@victoriabugzoo.ca
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