Arthropod Care

How to take care of your bugs at home.

What kind of friend do you have?

Different Arthropoda require different set ups and care. Select from the options below for what matches your situation best. If an animal is not included on here but you wish it was, let us know! You have more questions? Send us an email and we will help you out the best that we can.

Keep in mind that most species of Arthropods is not legal to keep as a pet in Canada.

All Stick insects, most Praying Mantids, and many more animals are restricted by the Canadian Plant Protection Act.



These are general care tips for most species within each category. Please do your own research as well as looking at our advice. All individuals within species can also have ranges of likes and dislikes. Listen your new friend to what they prefer and thrive in. If you have any questions, please send us an email!



Praying Mantis

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Coming soon!


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